2018 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Lisa Denis – Emoggo, Inc.


I have worked in and around the technology sector for the bulk of my career. The tech field, more than any other, is filled with energy and possibility – that answer to every question is ‘Why not!’In a time when we are reported to be more connected that ever before, our streets, neighbourhoods and towns have lost their sense of community. We seem more connected to our devices than we are to each other.

At 50 years old, I started Emoggo with a mission to use the possibilities of technology and our devotion to our personal devices to facilitate true connections and build stronger communities.

Emoggo combines personalized, proximity messaging with offline experiences., leveraging the passion and talents of local retailers, restaurants and service providers, to give people the opportunity to discover the shortcuts and hidden gems in their community and get connected to the places where we live, work and play.

To truly be inclusive of all of the aspects of a community, Emoggo also offers free use of the application to local business support organizations, charities and non-profit associations and clubs and has a collect and matching program for donations to local initiatives. My goal is to raise $100,000 a year for each community on the app. And having learned so much through this experience, I am also providing mentoring to aspiring technology entrepreneurs of all ages and supporting women in tech programs locally. I am excited to roll this mission out across the nation…and beyond.