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Ken Grant & Dan McLeod - Dunvegan Loyalty Builders, Inc. - WISE

2017 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Ken Grant & Dan MacLeod – Dunvegan Loyalty Builders, Inc.

Dan is a former Senior Sales Manager with MT&T. Throughout his career Dan was responsible for the implementation of sales force automation, and he was a member of the team that introduced cellular & mobile phone services to Nova Scotia. Ken is a former Principal with the Halifax Regional School Board. During his education career Ken was deeply involved in curriculum design, leadership in a time of change, as well as the design and opening of high-tech schools. We started Dunvegan Loyalty Builders in 2005. We were a data analytics company that found relationships in a client’s data, and reported it to them. Starting in 2012, Microsoft radically redesigned their data analytics and reporting tools and put them inside Excel. Those tools have become more powerful, intuitive, and easy-to-use. We now enable organizations to access and organize their data themselves. Clients know instantly the daily changes in performance measures, and can drill down to explore further questions. Dunvegan has a practical approach – we guide you to get the reports you need, and train you to “do it yourself” on software you already own and use.

Dan MacLeod and I launched Dunvegan Loyalty Builders in 2005, as a post-retirement second career. Years earlier we’d started a conversation about leadership, excellence, and outstanding customer experience which is the foundation of Dunvegan today.

Dunvegan Loyalty Builders Inc. offers an effective solution to an existing problem. Your ability to see and question your own numbers, as often as you wish, using tools added to software you already own.

We are the first in Eastern Canada to train businesses to use “Self-Service Business Intelligence”. Dunvegan’s training simplifies what was complex. Executives, managers, and data users will intuitively drag-and-drop measures to analyze Key Performance Indicators. You and your staff will custom-design Interactive Reports that provide immediate answers to questions from the Board Room, the field, or the plant floor.

Dynamic, powerful, and instant reporting replaces the current lengthy, manual processes. Businesses get accuracy, on demand. Dunvegan’s approach is practical and innovative. We train on site, in real time, on your data, and focus on your reporting issues. Participants collaborate to design/build, and maintain their unique reports. When clients “Do It Yourself”, they begin making significant strides almost immediately!