2017 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Marlene Armstrong & Maureen Donoghue – Unbridled Coaching
Between us we have devoted over 60 years to the public service. This arena has afforded us a large stage upon which to learn and contribute. Where else could you travel from coast to coast, the West Indies, South America in a para military environment delivering, designing and evaluating training programs? Where else could you have the opportunity to set up and manage for the first time the web function of a Crown Corporation, where the Executives themselves were unfamiliar with this new world wide web? Where else could you support Employee Takeovers and major organizational transitions that impacted the lives of hundreds? And…these initiatives just scratch the surface of the opportunities that we were given. What does “retirement” look like, for two women who have lived their lives being so engaged? With one of us having even completed a fire walk, it was not likely we would be “going gently into that good night.” We both felt we had a lot to offer and were passionate about trying something new. How could this be about “refirement”?
“Unbridled Coaching was born out of a dream to help humans through the power of the horse to move forward in life and business. Marlene was 57 years old and Maureen was 59.”
Partnering with horses, to help people move forward is leading edge in the professional and personal development world. This makes building this business exciting, and at the same time challenging, as the market place has few references. Messaging which clearly communicates the power of this work is key. We knew we were being successful when after listening to our “pitch” a potential client remarked, “Oh, so you are doing People Whispering!” We have since trademarked this in our tag line, “Unbridled Coaching – People™ – Life Coaching with Horses”