2018 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™
Pam Streeter – SaySo Communication
What do you do after a combined successful 70 years in education and Speech Language-Pathology? Enter the digital age of course, to reach more children, youth and their families. With the advent of the internet, handheld technology and helicopter parenting the development of problem solving, face to face communication, critical thinking, resilience, creativity, collaboration and sustained attention in children and youth has been compromised.
SaySo Communication was founded to pioneer new paths in this technology enabled world that we now live in. I was 57 when SaySo Communication became a federally incorporated company. With my co-founder, Betsy Allard, SLP, we started this company to change the formula for children’s digital games and to develop skills in children and youth for future civic engagement to tackle the 21st century challenges that they will face.
We are at a pre-sales/pre-commercialization stage, boot-strapping our way through product development. Betsy and I work with an interdisciplinary advisory team to develop an on-line game where speech is the primary method of controlling the play. Play moves back and forth between on-line and off-line challenges.
More immediate is Puppetoon!, which uses digital puppetry to engage and motivate children to achieve specific targets in clinics, in the classroom and at home.