2019 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Robert Jeffries – MyValue Changeagents
After many years with a large organization, I wanted to start a small business that would make a difference by improving peoples’ interactions in the workplace. This includes better behaviours between co-workers as well as heightened customer service.
I am 67 years old and live in Gananoque, Ontario. I founded the company in 2015 with my son-in-law Yannick Bessette. He supplies the development expertise that powers the software, while I focus on the products and how we can help companies build better workplaces, engage employees and keep customers happy.
As a result, we have created a SaaS platform and two different products:
PeerSpheres: This system applies unique methods to gather employee observations about colleagues and culture, providing companies with early warnings about potential issues. With new anti-harassment requirements coming soon for federally regulated employers, its ability to detect problematic behaviour will be essential.
ExperienceStream: This is a dynamic customer service management system that collects client feedback, celebrates great service and motivates staff.