2019 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Terry Randle – Leadership Coaching
Prior to Starting my Leadership Coaching Program, I had been a Director with a Top Tier Nutritional & Supplementation Organization. Founder – Biz after 60 – helping you find your voice – An informal “Social Sunday” A safe Space – Encouraging others to come share their stories – provide confidence building, support and builds community.
In 2017, I happened upon a new “NeuroTech Company who was pioneering the way we optimize our bodies ability to achieve wellness. It was a perfect fit for me. Once I learned more about the Science behind this technology and how easy it would be to adapt into our lives, I jumped in feet first. This newfound passion has given purpose in sharing the technology with others who are at their own crossroads and struggling with various health concerns of their own or a loved one.
Once you lose quality of life through a challenge, it eats away at you and robs you and your family of the joys all around us. I now coach other individuals who may not be a Companies first pick for employment. I can offer hope, support, tools, mentorship, a solid foundation to start their business. As I have personally grown within this Company, I have built an incredible organization of over 500 others who have faced adversities of their own and are now Serving others.
Who would have thought at the age of 66, I would finally see the type of success I had only dreamed about or read about in books?
2018/2019 has rewarded me ten-fold- having become one of the Companies “Mission Leader” Award Recipients at their 2nd Annual Celebration, winner of an All Inclusive “Mastermind Summit” – and Most recently, a member of the President’s Golden Key Program. These types of awards are the cumulation of paying it forward. When you help enough people achieve what they need and want, you too will achieve your success.
Our stories are what makes us who we are. They provided the struggles that then gave us the courage, the wisdom and the experience to bring others out of their darkness.
I help others find their voice and use it for the benefit of others.
Each month, I use a large portion of my personal earnings to help others start up their own Servant Leadership business model or donate product to those in need but may be financially struggling.
Supporter of the “Smashing Nines” Program for Girls age 12-17 who are currently with Children’s Aide – Mentorship program- Learning life and business skills based around the Game of Golf.
Co-Creator – Women of Voxx Retreat – A weekend of Community, Mentorship and Leadership training-Our Moto: When passion and purpose come together- We Rise
Managing Director – VoxxLife HPT – Business Builder- Leader to over 500 individuals