2017 Winner
Wise 50 Over 50 Award™

Jacques Cantin – Caninno Inc.


I started my business in June 2015 (incorporated in July). Jacques Cantin, P. Eng, MBA, PMP, President & CEO of Caninno inc., previously directed wind farm installations. Vast experience across many resource and machine industries in design, engineering and project execution. Now, Jacques is working on laser-material interactions and their applications to wind turbines. I really love what I do. Putting this business together has been quite a voyage. But, with all the blows every week come the highs that make it all a very exciting and passionate journey.

I started Caninno at 52 years old. I started the business to remove ice from wind turbine blades using a laser to improve on winter productivity of Quebec wind farm operators.

Caninno is a Montreal-based industrial technology startup that focuses on the development, production and commercialization of novel proprietary solutions to deice and prevent further icing of wind turbine used in the renewable energy industry utilizing its unique de-icing and anti-icing BurstTM, CleanBladeTM and IceGuardTM technologies and services.

Caninno’s business model involves providing innovative de-icing and anti-icing technologies and equipment to the wind turbine renewable energy industry as well as specialized de-icing and anti-icing services using these technologies. Sales have started in 2017 and this is the first commercial year.

Our business plan and presentation won the Défi PME-MTL West Island as best BP in the technology and technical division.