Wendy Mayhew
A little about WISE
WISE founder and Canada’s leading expert on senior entrepreneurship, Wendy Mayhew, has done extensive research and understands the challenges facing entrepreneurs. Wendy is a sought after speaker and workshop facilitator by small business organizations now starting to realize the importance of serving entrepreneurs of all ages.
WISE Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs of all ages who realize that they need assistance with their startups. Our site includes information to help you get started and up and running. You will learn more than you hoped for with The Real World Entrepreneur Training Video Series.
If you are a cross-generational business or are thinking of having a co-founder, then you will be interested in the CrossGen Founders Podcast where you will learn from other CrossGen Founders who have gone through their startups.
If you are an entrepreneur over the age of 50, you will be interested in the WISE-Seniors in Business offerings.

WISE – Seniors in Business
WISE – Seniors in Business serves the fastest-growing segment of entrepreneurship in the world – senior (experience and knowledge) entrepreneurs (people over the age of 50) who are looking for an encore career, whether it is because they want to, or have to.
Extensive research shows people over the age of 50 have a different set of challenges than young entrepreneurs who are starting a business for the first time.
CrossGen Founders
CrossGen Founders are entrepreneurs from different generations with complementary strengths and interests that can propel a new business toward success or prepare an existing business for succession.

The Definitive Guide to Starting a Business After the Age of 50
is an all-encompassing exploration of the unique challenges and rewards surrounding later-years ventures. Through her seasoned guidance (and twenty-nine inspirational accompanying audio interviews), Mayhew provides all the tools and information needed to join this fastest-growing group of budding entrepreneurs. And by following her easy-to-read manual, you’ll soon be turning your lifetime of wisdom into the most gratifying decision for your future
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