Start Your Business

Start Your Business

Congratulations! You have made the decision to become an entrepreneur.
You are excited to get going but it is important that you don’t jump into it. You need to plan and make some decisions before you hang your sign.
Setting up a business may seem easy, but the decisions you make about the basics can have a big impact on your overhead costs and your initial risk. Getting started will help you with your thinking and planning for the first steps you need to take.
If you’ve come this far then you at least have an idea for a business. The next steps to getting started are:
Test your idea
Choose a name for your business
Research any business licenses or permits you may need
Start working on a business plan
Decide on your business structure – sole proprietor, incorporation, partnership or cooperative
Decide on your place of business
Branding & visual identity
Website development
Set-up your accounting
Marketing and selling your product or service
Customer service
Other considerations
Decide on your place of business – home or office
Hiring staff